19 February, 2007

A Tale Of Kazakhstan...

Every year thousands of uninformed girls in Kazakhstan face a cruel destiny:
Here in Kazakhstan there is the traditional law that sentences the girl who marries the youngest male son of a family to a life of slavery by her in-laws. Not only she will have to live with at their home, but also clean, wash and God knows what else...
A piece of advise for the distracted traveller to Kazakhstan, if you happen fall in love with a Kazakh male, first make sure and ask for documental evidence that he is not the youngest son of the family... otherwise your destiny is served!!

14 February, 2007

Thought Of The Day

Never hope for... and you shall never be disappointed!!

08 February, 2007

Useless And Annoying Things About Me (2 of 1049)

Doors are to be either completely open or firmly closed!!
Why would a door be just slightly or half open?!

07 February, 2007

Useless And Annoying Things About Me (1 of 1049)

When picking up a blank sheet to write on:
I always fold it in half at least once before starting...